Juniors, Road Map / 12.09.2017

I hope you're off to a great start and have been working to lay the foundation for a successful year. This includes academics, which are central in college admissions, but it also includes the activities you're involved in and the college search itself.  Whether you've...

Freshmen, Road Map / 11.09.2017

Welcome to high school!  I'll keep this short, because the most important thing to do right now is settle in to your classes and new routine and get to know your teachers.  You'll have choices you didn't have in middle school, so explore new sports,...

Juniors, Road Map / 04.08.2017

I hope you're having a fun, restful and meaningful summer.  As you savor these last few weeks of vacation, take note of what you've accomplished and add it to your resume or whatever method you've chosen to track your activities.  Think inclusively—these don't have to...

Freshmen, Road Map / 04.08.2017

For 9th graders, my advice about college is simple: put in place what you need to have a smooth transition to high school.  You'll have so many academic, extracurricular and social opportunities that you didn't have in middle school, so start the year rested and...

Road Map, Seniors / 06.07.2017

If you're an East Coast student, AP scores are being released this week.  Check the schedule for the release date for your state, then consider this advice on using those scores.  If you identify areas where you could use additional preparation before college starts in...

Road Map, Sophomores / 06.07.2017

[section background_repeat="repeat" background_position="center top" background_attachment="static" background_scroll="none"] Now that you have your final grades, take this opportunity to reflect. How did your school year go?  Are you satisfied with your grades, and do you feel they accurately represent the work you did? What about your experiences outside...