Road Map for February: Juniors

Many students who are taking the March SAT and April ACT are working hard on test prep.  There are so many options available now, including online videos and practice questions, interactive online courses and tutoring, in-person courses and tutoring, and of course old-school study guides.  The new SAT, which debuted in March of 2016, has more statistics content than the old exam did, and some students are finding that they have not covered this material in their school math classes.  AdeptPrep tutoring is offering a “Stats for the SAT” workshop in March.  Contact AdeptPrep directly for details and registration.  Keep in mind, however, that more than 1000 colleges and universities are now test-optional, including more than half of those in the states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Connecticut and a majority of those in the New England region.  For a list of test-optional or test-flexible schools, click here.

It’s a very busy time for 11th graders.  You’re juggling challenging classes, test prep, extracurricular activities and planning for college visits.  While it’s important to manage your time and keep your grades up, it’s also essential to take care of yourself to keep from getting overwhelmed and experiencing burnout.  After reading these two articles, I’m more convinced than ever of the importance of reducing the stress of college admissions.  If you think you could benefit from additional support during your college search, I hope you’ll contact me.