Road Map for December: Seniors

If you’re like my students, you are wrapping up your applications, and awaiting your first decisions. I wish you lots of luck at this exciting time!

As you transition from the application phase to the admission phase, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you’ve checked each college’s portal to make sure the admissions and financial aid offices have received all of your documents. Second, thank your supporters, especially anyone who wrote you a letter of recommendation. Third, remember that the rest of the year still counts! Mid-year reports will go out in a few weeks with your first semester grades. Colleges that are still reviewing your application at that point will use these in their evaluations. Those that have already admitted you will also see them, and they want to see that you are continuing the great work that got you accepted in the first place.

As early round decisions start coming in, one of three things will happen: you can be admitted, denied admission, or deferred to the regular decision round. If you are deferred, there are some steps you might want to take to strengthen your candidacy, such as letting your top choice school know that you will enroll if admitted, and updating each admissions office with any new information about your activities and accomplishments.  For additional guidance, review each school’s policies on supplemental materials.  Finally, if you are denied, know that the disappointment is normal and in fact, a certain amount is healthy.  Keep in mind this advice on processing the news.  (There’s also some good advice here for parents.) And if you need help with follow-up or new applications, please get in touch.