Road Map for June: Class of 2024

As you wrap up your classes and final exams, I hope you’ve had a great 10th grade year. If you set goals for the year, this is a good time to revisit them and see how much progress you made. If you met your goals, reward yourself! If you didn’t get as far as you hoped, think about what got in your way. This kind of reflection can help you define goals for the summer and plan ways to meet them that will be effective.

I’m currently enrolling students in the Class of 2024 for individual advising. If you’re considering working with an educational consultant in your college admissions journey, this is the perfect time to get started. You can take advantage of the coming summer to get prepared and even work on some of your junior year to-dos while you don’t have the commitments of the school year. This will help you manage your fall workload and feel less stressed later.

One example is to make your standardized testing plan. Although most students don’t focus on testing until their PSAT scores come in December, it might make sense to take a diagnostic SAT and ACT now, choose your test and do some summer prep.  With the growth of the test-optional movement these exams may not be as high-stakes as they’ve been in the past, but I am still recommending that students take them. Your own plan should take into consideration whether your colleges will be optional and how important it will be to try to maximize your scores.  For personalized guidance on this topic, or to learn more about working with me, I hope you’ll get in touch.