Road Map for November: Seniors

To those of you who have submitted Early Decision and Early Action applications, congratulations!  I know it feels good to have some of your schools checked off.

Each college will have its own portal where you can check your application status. Keep an eye out for an email telling you how to log in and then confirm for each school that all of your documents have been received.  If something is missing, like a recommendation, follow up—tactfully!—with the letter writer, keeping in mind that it can take a few days or even weeks for submitted items to be processed on the college side, even if they’re submitted electronically.

Your next step is to map out a schedule for finishing the rest of the applications on your list.  Consider what else you have on your plate the next few weeks and give yourself some wiggle room before each deadline, as well as some time to rest and enjoy the holidays. If you need a little help getting to the finish line, contact me for an appointment.