Road Map for September: Sophomores

Welcome back to school! I hope the new year is starting off well. This may not be your first year of high school but I know that for many of you this is the first time you’re taking classes in your high school. One thing I’m seeing among this year’s 10th graders is a sense of continuing transition. Even those students who attended school in person last year are in many cases still finding their footing. My advice for this back-to-school season is to give yourself space to adjust. For now, think about last year and how can build on your successes and what you’d like to improve on.
This year is also a time to explore.  If there are activities you’ve considered getting involved with, go ahead and sign up! Whether you’re pursuing long-standing interests in a different way or developing completely new ones, exposing yourself to new experiences supports growth not only in your skills and qualifications for the future, but also personally.