Road Map for September: Freshmen

Welcome to high school, Class of 2028! I’m glad you’re joining me for advice on college, but I’m going to start with advice on high school. Your goal for freshman year is to have a smooth transition and to lay the foundation for a successful high school experience. For some students high school is the next part of the same school, but most of the students I work with are in a new building with all new teachers and often many new peers. As you learn the ropes, do the things that will ease your transition, like staying organized and getting to know people who can support you. In addition to your classmates, there are older students whose experience you can benefit from, and of course, the adults at school and other adults around you. Be open to trying new things and don’t be afraid to ask for help to make things work. Finally, it’s worth the effort to be thoughtful about some goal-setting; I recommend using these SMART goal guidelines.