Road Map for October: Juniors

Usually the big event for juniors in October is the PSAT.  A few schools have decided to offer the exam but if your school isn’t one of them, don’t worry.  This is just a diagnostic test for all but the highest scoring students, and you can take a practice test on your own if you’re interested in gauging your scores.  In fact, I strongly encourage it. If you were hoping your scores would qualify you for National Merit recognition, there may be an opportunity in January. Normally there’s also an “Alternate Entry” process for students who miss the test due to illness or other extenuating circumstances. This year because a huge portion of the Class of ’22 may be unable to test, the policy is under review with details expected later this month.

Although much has changed in the admissions process, I always encourage juniors to start researching colleges early and that advice holds true this year.  Normally that research includes visits, which are mostly virtual for the time being, and college fairs, which are all online this year. Take advantage of these opportunities to learn about colleges and remember that registering for and attending these events also demonstrates your interest in a school, which may be considered by the admissions department.