Road Map for November: Seniors

Congratulations to all of you who submitted Early Decision and Early Action applications!  I know you’ve worked hard and it feels good to have some of these out the door. I’m crossing my fingers for you! Be sure to check the portals for each of your colleges to make sure that all of your accompanying documents have been submitted and processed. If you don’t have the information about how to log in, check your spam folder because the college probably emailed  it to you. If you still don’t find it, contact the admissions office, because this is important information you will need to have.  I know many families are working on their financial aid documents as well. Each college has its own deadlines, so be sure you’re aware of them and are ready to meet them. Many colleges consider demonstrated interest in the admissions process, so try to show them some love. If you haven’t participated in live information sessions or done campus tours, consider doing those. It’s also a good idea to connect with the admissions representative assigned to your high school or region. If your first quarter grades  arrived after your application was submitted, that’s a great opportunity to share your updates—especially if your grades are good. Following colleges on social media also counts, as does opening the emails they send and clicking on links. These things can also show a college how eager you are to join their community, and most colleges would rather admit a student they think is likely to enroll.