Road Map for May: Seniors

Congratulations on your college decision! I hope you’re excited about your next step and are enjoying all kinds of year-end festivities like yearbook signings, senior week celebrations, prom and, of course, graduation.

There are a few more college related to-do list items: finalizing enrollment, choosing housing and connecting with roommates, registering for orientation and classes. This is also a good time to do some adulting, such as getting health-related forms completed, setting up bank accounts and registering to vote. Here’s a good list of forms you should complete before heading off to school. And don’t forget that you still need to finish senior year successfully! The college you’ve chosen to attend will get a copy of your final report to confirm that you’ve graduated, and they’ll see your grades—so don’t let them get any negative surprises.

Though I hope you’re happy with your college choice, there are more than 300 schools that still have space available for students to enroll this fall. Check out the NACAC College Openings Update, and contact me if you need help choosing schools to apply to or completing the application process.  And if you’re considering a gap year, I’d love to help you plan that too.

Did you write your college essay about a financial topic? If so, the New York Times has issued its annual call for submissions. Share your essay and it might be chosen for publication. I often refer to this feature for samples in my essay workshops, so if yours is selected I’ll be sharing it with my future students.

I’ll have a few more bits of advice for you in June but for the time being, I hope you’re enjoying these last few weeks of high school!