Road Map for May: Freshmen

We’re getting close to the end of the school year and you might be getting into vacation mode, but try to hang in there a little longer so you can have a strong finish to 9th grade. This is actually a key opportunity to boost your GPA for the year, since you have both the last grading period as well as final exams.

Making a study plan now for the next several weeks can pay off. First, check in with each of your teachers and ask for their advice on how to do your best on your remaining assignments and exams. Second, take advantage of any review sessions they offer. Third, check your schedule for the next few weeks and note your existing time commitments. Then identify the time you have available to study and figure out best how to use it. Would group study sessions be helpful? How about creating your own review sheets? If you’re concerned about a particular class,  can you schedule time with your teacher for extra help? It might even be worthwhile to get tutoring, either from a peer or a professional. Finally, make sure you set yourself up for success with adequate sleep, exercise, and a healthy diet during this homestretch period.