Road Map for May: Freshmen

You’re in the homestretch! With your first high school finals approaching, make the most of these last few weeks and any support your teachers offer for preparing and studying for exams. Your peers can also be great resources, especially if you can motivate each other and be accountability partners. This article was written for entrepreneurs but the advice works for students too: find someone you trust to work with, share your goals, make a specific plan to meet them (including rewards or consequences), and identify times you will check-in regularly on how it’s going.  The last step is to review your goals and strategies periodically to to discuss your progress; this method of increasing accountability is highly effective, so the final step often includes setting new goals because your earlier ones have been met.

Looking ahead, there are some great events coming up in DC to explore colleges as representatives visit our area.  Attending an information session this month with Colleges That Change Lives8 of the Best Colleges or Exploring Educational Excellence can give you insight into how you might approach your college search and a little bit about what to expect over the next few years as you solidify your college goals and plans.