Road Map for December: Juniors

If you’ve been following my advice on standardized testing and are interested in more detail, on December 14 I’ll have Jen Dillon from AdeptPrep tutoring joining me for Standardized Testing for the Class of 2022 and Beyond.  We’ll talk about the SAT and ACT, how to prepare and when to take these exams, and what it means that more than 600 colleges have gone test-optional this year. You can register here.

Many students have a community service requirement for graduation, and it’s a good idea to figure out how you’re going to meet it, since it’s much harder in the current environment. It might make sense for this to be on the to-do list for next summer, since I hope and I expect there will be more fewer restrictions and more opportunities. Still, it’s something you can plan for now. In this giving season many organizations are doing outreach, so consider doing some research and getting involved in a more limited way now, which can create an opportunity for a greater commitment later. What’s not a good idea is waiting too long and then having one more big thing on your plate in senior year.

NACAC has just posted dates for winter and spring virtual college fairs. I am hopeful that in-person opportunities will open up in the spring and summer but until then, these virtual visits are a valuable way to get started on your research.  You should also take a look at your 2021 calendar and block out time for visits in the spring and summer with the hope of going in person, and use the research you do now to explore and make those later visits more productive.