03 Aug Road Map for August: Class of 2023
Your freshman year may have been cut short but I hope you had opportunities to explore your academic interests and extracurricular opportunities before school closed in March. While school-based activities will continue to be limited for a while longer, you have time this summer to pursue outdoor activities, music and art, reading or writing for pleasure, or whatever you find fun and meaningful. Granted, this summer looks different if July and August usually include team sports, camp or other group activities, but this is the time to get creative, salvage what you can of the things you’ve done in the past and set the stage for what’s coming up—both remotely and, eventually, in person.
Your job now is to be prepared for a strong fall. If you struggled with remote learning or were finding any of your classes challenging before school moved online, consider doing some prep work or perhaps tutoring to make sure you’re ready for the fall semester. (Kahn Academy is a great free resource for this.) Most students will also benefit from sharpening their study skills, and specifically skills for online learning.
Finally, use the remaining weeks before school starts to think about what you’d like to accomplish in the coming year. Write down your goals, or better yet, find an accountability partner to share them with. Then come up with a plan for how you’ll achieve them.