Road Map for April: Juniors

A year from now you’ll have your admission offers in hand and will be choosing your destination for your college experience. It’s exciting to watch your friends who are seniors going through this, and it can be nerve-racking as well. My best advice for you is to use the next few months effectively to be well-prepared for the admissions cycle.

The top priority is always your academics, so keep working hard. The other priority for this time of year is college research and visits. Although you don’t have to visit every college you apply to, seeing a campus firsthand can help you develop an understanding of which schools will offer you the experience you looking for—what we mean when we talk about a good fit.

Another item that should be on your radar is letters of recommendation. Spring is a good time to decide whom you’ll ask for your recommendations, especially if the teachers limit how many letters they will write. I also like students to create a resume or brag sheet. You may need to provide this to your counselor and teachers who will be writing recommendations, and you can put the same activities information into your applications.

I don’t recommend starting essays until school is finished but you might want to get started on the Common Application and/or other applications you expect to be using. Although they don’t have to be polished until the summer, doing a little at a time will give you a head start on a big project and help you get familiar with the various platforms.

I’m offering a series of application and essay workshops this summer, and you can register at the links below. For more information about the workshops, or to discuss individual advising, please contact me.

Introduction to the Common Application (Webinar + One-on-One)

June 12, July 14, August 4

This session will walk students through the Common Application and discuss strategies to showcase their unique strengths and talents. Includes an individual follow-up session with a review of and feedback on the student’s draft application. (Essay review is available separately.)


College Essay Workshop (Webinar + One-on-One)

June 19, July 21, August 11

In this two-part workshop for the Class of 2023 you’ll learn how to write an effective personal statement and great supplemental essays for each college. First students participate in a webinar on:

  • how essays are used in the application process
  • guidance on choosing topics
  • writing tips for personal statements and school-specific essays
  • Dos and Don’ts
  • brainstorming exercises for the personal statement, and
  • suggested timeline from topic selection through final edits.

A one-on-one follow-up session offers personalized help on the aspect the student needs most: finalizing topics, brainstorming for school-specific questions, crafting a “why” or “fit” essay, feedback on rough drafts, or final proofread. (Additional follow-up sessions can be booked separately.)