Road Map for April: Freshmen

If you’re enjoying nice spring weather you may also be dreaming about summer.  I’m finding that my students have gotten a later start this year than usual on their summer plans since the choices have been a moving target. Fortunately, many camps and programs have started making announcements on whether they’ll operate virtually or in-person, and there are lots of options for both. You can also find both in-person and online opportunities for summer jobs and volunteering. Whichever form you prefer your activities to be this year, it’s time to firm up your summer plan.

Of course, this school year is not quite over. This is your last opportunity to finish strong and have a solid first year of grades on your transcript. If you are struggling in any classes be sure to communicate with your teachers, and remember that many of them are struggling too. If you are JUST PLAIN OVER this year, I don’t blame you, but think about how you can stay motivated during this last stretch and know that that better days are ahead.